Let magic capture the crowd at your trade show stand

Aside from making your stand more noticeable to visitors at trade shows and exhibitions, there are numerous other ways in which I can use magic to help your business.

One of the easiest (and best received!) methods is for me to incorporate giveaways into the act. If the visitors can walk away with a little momento to remind them of you, then great. However, if they can take away something which they've played a part in creating, and if they can be presented with it in a unique and surprising way, then even better! It's up to you whether the freebie is something small like sweets or something more personal, but whatever you choose, using magic in this way will make you unforgettable.

Similarly, whatever your message is, I can convey it to your potential customers! This can serve two purposes; firstly, it will make your lives as exhibitors a little easier, and secondly, the visitors will be much more likely to absorb your message.

Alternatively, it may even be possible for me to create a magic effect that's completely new, just for you! By using all my skills and expertise, I can work with you to create the perfect technique to sell your business and get your message across.

Hiring a corporate magician is the perfect way to encourage people to linger at your stall for longer: if your team is busy, I will hold the visitors' interest, before passing them along once a member of your sales team is free. When you consider the huge amount that your footfall (and sales!) will increase by, hiring a magician for this purpose makes total sense.

In this kind of trade show or exhibition environment, there is not just the magician's reputation on the line as there would be at a wedding or other private event: your name is on the line as well. This means that you have to choose the right magician for you, who you are certain will not let you down. Anyone can put the title of 'Trade Show Magician' on their website, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're any good at it - they could just be an amateur who performs a bit of magic on the side. You need a real professional, who performs magic to earn a living, day in and day out. This person will be able to cope with the pressure and scrutiny that being at an exhibition can cause, and will be an asset to you.

I am this professional magician that you're looking for! Get in touch to have a discussion and to find out how I can help you promote your business at trade shows and exhibitions!

“I think I can safely say on behalf of the whole team that we thoroughly enjoyed your company during the whole weekend and were blown away by your sleight of hand skills; still can’t work out how you managed to change the coins for the kiwi and that damned dice trick is still a mystery! Thank you for agreeing to get involved with the Children’s conference, it is a unique and moving environment to see so many children overcome their condition, to come along to the conference and enjoy themselves with other like-minded individuals. Maybe, like Animals’ balloon man and face painting lady, you could become Cellnovo’s staple attraction year on year?! The kids and parents alike certainly enjoyed your attention.”
“Excellent, as well as being frankly mystifying! To be able to do what he did under such close scrutiny (and I wasn’t drinking either!) more than proved his competence.”
“I think it’s fair to say that you won’t be forgotten in a hurry! It’s amazing how differently people react to the concept and presentation of ‘magic’
when it’s are performed directly in from of you. I think we all generally feel that if we could actually get ‘close and personal’ then everything would be revealed. I think we all found it to be the opposite. No strings, no smoke and mirrors…just amazing. It was a bit like entering the Twilight Zone! Many of us were still talking about your exploits the following week!
It was great to have you at our party and I, and everybody at the Fourfront Group, would not hesitate to recommend you.”