Putting together a corporate event can be a pains-taking and time consuming prospect. If your event is going to last more than a couple of hours, or involve a great number of guests it can be a struggle to come up with fun and creative corporate entertainment ideas. However, the entertainment aspect of your corporate event can be easier to plan and execute with the help of a promotional company or entertainment booking agency. These agencies can help you find the talent you need, as well as give you creative, new ideas for entertaining event participants and conference guests. The follow are just a few examples of creative corporate event ideas.
Interactive entertainment can be the easiest to organize for large groups and is often a favourite among corporate entertainment ideas. A close up magician , strolling musicians and other entertainers move through the party or event area, performing for individuals and small groups. Magicians, mentalists, musicians, and even comedians can perform at small tables or to small groups, interacting with just a few guests at a time for a more personalized entertainment experience. Having a wide variety of interactive entertainers mingling with the crowd at any given time provides constant entertainment options for guests during mixers, social dinners, or between presentations.
Themed entertainment also provides an interesting and creative option for corporate entertainment ideas. Whether you want to host a murder mystery dinner, organize a James Bond themed conference night, or have a 50’s night corporate dinner party, there are many ways to incorporate themes into corporate events. Themed events help to unify guests and event attendees and create a community-style atmosphere when everyone participates in such an organized entertainment option. Themes give guests a clue as to the entertainment they can expect, as well as provides convenient conversation starters between guests and attendees.
You can carry corporate entertainment ideas beyond just the down time between presentations. You can incorporate entertainment into the actual presentations, award dinners, or other corporate functions. Hiring comedic presenters, specialized speakers, or professional auctioneers can add entertainment value to otherwise cookie-cutter presentations and award banquets. Rather than having the Director of Operations announce yearly employee awards, for example, hiring a comedian to present the awards can perk up guests and provide an entertaining award ceremony. Likewise, expert show personnel can help create a more professional atmosphere similar to big award shows, including live music and other entertainment shows and acts between presenters.