|| October 28, 2010

Memorable_Wedding_ideas.jpgEvery single wedding day should be a memorable and unique celebration of love shared with friends of the bride and groom. Each celebration should be as special as the couple being honoured that day. The most creative ideas found to make your wedding memorable and unique are the ones that spontaneously come to mind while the bride and groom are talking about what they would like to have at their wedding. There are many, many of these conversations in the days leading up to the wedding and at some point, some fun and unique ideas will occur to the couple.

Memorable and unique ideas can range from choreographed first couple dances as well as mother/son and father/daughter dances with special music and moments both private and shared with the guests. These can be soft and slow or fun and upbeat or a mix of both, whatever suits the bride and groom, as it is their day to make memorable and unique as it suits them. The special moments can be during the reception following the wedding, such as the dances mentioned above, or they can also be things included in wedding ceremony itself.

The wedding ceremony can include some fun music and moments as well as sweet moments such as the bride giving her new mother-in-law a rose or giving her own mother a special memento. The groom can give his father something special or give his new mother-in-law a rose. Things like this add personal touches and include family members in the big day. If there are children of the bride or groom present, something fun and/or significant to include them in the ceremony would be a good idea to start building family memories right away.

The reception following the wedding ceremony is a great time to have lots of rousing good fun to celebrate the bride and groom and all their friends and family that have come to share the day. Group dances and toasts are fun as long as nobody is coerced into participating. Sweet moments between the new couple and their new families are easy to come by spontaneously as well as through planned toasts or dances. Making the wedding memorable and unique for the bride and groom is the first and foremost goal then comes making it a fun celebration for loved ones to be a part of as well. A memorable and unique wedding day is something to treasure for years to come, for the couple’s entire life.

And don’t forget to hire a close up magician