|| December 30, 2010

Unusual_Wedding_Entertainment.jpgA couple’s wedding day should be focused on two things, the couple getting married and how they want to share this day with the family and friends they love. It is not about how to please Aunt Ethel or how to pacify a stepmother, but all about a celebration of the bride and groom. They have chosen to celebrate their day with loved ones and it is up to those loved ones to show up and celebrate. Unusual wedding entertainment ideas add to the fun and games of a wedding day created to the tastes of the couple getting married.

Most brides and grooms want their loved ones to have a good time and remember their wedding day as a fun day of shared celebration and joy. While traditions can be meaningful and fun, it is important that the bride and groom enjoy their day by making it unique to them and those they are choosing to share the day with. If the happy couple wants traditional wedding entertainment and that is what they believe will make their party a dream come true, more power to them. If unusual wedding entertainment ideas are more up their alley, the only limits are the imagination.

Unusual wedding entertainment is typically fun and games that depart from the traditional take lots of pictures and eat good food wedding receptions, with a few balloons and booze thrown in as well. While pictures, food, balloons and booze are good things and will likely be included in most wedding receptions, some fun twists such as employing fun entertainment for the kids can only result in laughter and fun. If there will be many children present who are near and dear to the bride and groom, hiring a balloon artist to come and make shapes can be a lot of fun. A clown who will make balloon shapes and perform simple magic tricks can delight party goers of all ages, the bride and groom included.

Other different twists on unusual wedding entertainment can be things such as fun themes complete with costumes and table settings for the reception, if not the entire wedding. Seasonal décor and food can be interesting and fun as well. Having a surprise party wedding where the guests are invited to a themed party, a cookout or pool party or even a Christmas or New Year’s party then learn that there will be a wedding is a blast of fun for the bride and groom to plan and the guests to enjoy and remember.